Der Aquapark (water park) Das Museum (museum) Der Freizeitpark (amusement park) Die Insel (island) Der Zoo(zoo) Das Aquarium (aquarium) Das Schutzgebiet (sanctuary) Die Theke (bar) Das Kino (cinema) Der Strand(beach) Das Restaurant (restaurant) Der Nightclub (nightclub) Die Kunsthalle (art gallery)
Time Expressions in German We do not always speak in terms of dates and months. We need some time expressions to schedule our events and make plans. In this post I am writing some useful time expressions in German with their meanings in Hindi and in English. German English Hindi vor ago पहले nächste Woche next week अगले सप्ताह der Abend evening संध्या vorgestern day before yesterday बीते हुए कल से एक दिन पहले gestern yesterday बीता हुआ कल heute today आज […]
Members of the Family in German Family is very important for all of us. Let us take a look at some specific German vocabulary that we use to talk about our family members. der (Ehe) Mann husband der Bruder brother der Cousin cousin der Enkel grand-son der Freund boyfriend der Neffe nephew der onkel uncle der großvater grand-father […]
Die Antwort(response) die Antworten Der Bleistift(pencil) die Bleistifte Das Buch(book) die Bücher Die Frage(question) die Fragen Die Frau(woman) die Frauen Der Freund(friend) die Freunde Der Herr(gentleman) die Herrn Das Heft (notebook) die Hefte Der Kontinent(continent) die Kontinente Das Land (country) die Länder Die Landkarte(map) die Landkarten Der Lehrer (teacher) die Lehrer Der Name (name) die […]
Learn German words everyday जर्मन शब्दों को प्रतिदिन सीखने की एक Series है , जिसमे हम कुछ जर्मन शब्द और उसके अर्थ को हिन्दी या English में प्रतिदिन प्रस्तुत करते हैं । वैसे पाठक जो जर्मन को हिन्दी की मदद से सीखना चाहते हैं ,इस पोस्ट से लाभान्वित जरूर होंगे । चलिए आज के कुछ जर्मन शब्दों को देखते हैं । · Das Abendessen (आबेन्ड-एससेन) […]
Preposition is a word that is placed before a noun or a pronoun to indicate direction ,place , source etc.In German there are three kinds of prepositions. Some prepositions which only take dative case. an : on (vertical) auf : to,in,at,on (horizontal) aus : out of bei : at near bis: until durch : through […]