How To identify a Fake Facebook Account


Different ways to identify Fake Facebook Profile.

There are more fake profile available at Facebook these days. These fake profiles either managed by bots or an individual who have ill intention towards other persons. They dupe users, do fraud with people, blackmail child and adults. It is better to not accept new friend requests from unknown people.

There are different ways to identify Fake Facebook ID. Some of them are followings.

Blank Wall

Facebook Id managed by bots generally have no picture on its wall. Fake id created by an ill intentioned individual have either good wall picture or not. We cannot identify on the basis of that.

Lots Of Likes

Fake ID generally have lots of likes. They generally posts somethings which can get more likes in return.

Not Many Pics

There are not many pictures available on their Facebook. They generally have a DP of a beautiful girl and boy. Many new people get attracted by beautiful DP without knowing who is behind this DP.

Weird Bio Information

They have no clear cut information in their Bio. They write some information in such a way that they can easily mislead people.

Go through their Friends Lists

Most of their friends are also like them. They do not have any authentic DP. They just have images downloaded from Internet. They do not have any realistic information in Bio.

It is very safe to not accept friend request of a person who is not known to you personally. If he or she is known to you personally then ask him or her about some Information before accepting them as a friend.



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